Quoted in "AI courses are booming, so are they worth it?", The Times, 6 Jan 2025 [link]
TheNextWeb interview on the future of data, June 2018 [link]
Current Biology Magazine Feature on Big Data in Psychology & Facebook Crisis, by M. Gross [link]
Wall Street Journal on University and Facebook [14 April 2018, link]
Wired Inteview (I. Lapowsky) on future of digital footprints research [link]
IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine December 2016, on psychometrics, security and 'the dark side' [link p.76]
Telegraph print exclusive on our research into entrepreneurship, 9 June 2015 [link]
Landline Network Magazine on Psychometrics in Cybersecurity [January 2018]
Communicate (AdAge) magazine on psychometric targeting for brands 30.05.17 [link]
'The Art and Science of Retail Success', Consumerology London White Paper , Oct 2017 [p.6 link]
Ignites (Financial Times) article on the use of psychometrics in finance [link], 2 March 2015
Live on BBC4 Radio Today, with Mishal Husain 09.05.17 [listen at 2.25"]
BBC World Service Tech Tent, with R. Cellan-Jones on "Who's Watching You Online?" [listen]
WNYC Radio for Note to Self/Privacy Paradox feature on AMS [link]
Swedish Public Radio Science Programme - 'The Propaganda Machine' [part 1][part 2][part 3]
Marketing Experiments feature on psychologically tailored advertising, based on SPSP poster 2015 [link]
Converting clicks into care, Cambridge JBS feature on our work in health sector [link]
Putting control of personal data back into consumers' hands, Cambridge Enterprise feature [link]
Big Data spotlight in the University of Cambridge Research Horizons Magazine (Issue 27, page 31) [link]
Cambridge News profile in the 'Ask an Academic' and Education section, 11 March 2015 [link]
Cambridge News feature on Apply Magic Sauce, 20 Jan 2015 [link]
CambridgeTV feature on Big Data ethics
Profile and illustration by K. Damani for Cam Creatives [link]
Catalonia. "Tot El Que Sabem de Tu" TV3 [link]
France. "Vox Pop: Data Brokers" on Arte - subtitled. discussion around predictive algorithms in society [link, 16.30-20.30]
Germany. Ich weiß, wer Du bist ("I know who you are") - subtitled. 1hr documentary on privacy and the all-seeing society for Arte.De TV channel [link, at 30"]
Germany. ZDF Foreign Affairs Journal Feature on political applications of Big Data (16.00"-19.00") [link]
Italy. RAI 3 "Pressa Diretta" Primetime Interview on privacy, surveillance capitalism and predictive algorithms
Italy. RAI Interview on 'Digital World: From Social to Psyche' March 2019 [Part 1 and Part 2]
Italy. RAI News Interview on digital footprint prediction and politics, March 2018 [link]
Italy. La Repubblica interview on Big Data, V. Strambi [link]
Italy. Documentary on privacy commissioned by
Austria. Mediashift interview on AI in Journalism, June 2017 [link]
Hungary. Napi Interview on future of technology and regulation [link]
Bulgaria. Elysium Magazine on Big Data in business and society [In Print Spring Issue 2018, read extract]
NTV (Turkey) on use of digital footprints in market research, after IPSOS MORI Keynote 24.05.17
Turkey. Posta Newspaper on future of HR and market research 23.05.17
Forbes Mexico on personalisation in social media, with Karla Santiago 18.05.17
Czech. interview (with M. Senk) on Engage presentation [link]
Czech. Interview for Seznam.Cz (Pavel Eichler) at DOX on future democracy 17.05.17
Czech. Interview for RESPEKT Magazine, with Petr Horky 17.05.17 [link]
Czech. Interview after IAC Prague on advertising ethics [April 2018, link]
Denmark. Prosa DK feature on ethics of Big Data profiling, by Dan Mygind p.16-24 [link]
Croatia. MarketingMagazin, Post-talk snippet at Days of Communication Rovinj [view]
France. Creating Dialogue around Psychometrics in eCommerce, by Inviqa for Figaro Digital [link]
Fat Rat Films short feature for Mind-Reading Algorithms Are Stealing Our Democracy [Watch]
Facebookistan (2015) documentary by Express-TV Production [44" - watch film]
Predictive World
Within the first 3 weeks, over 1 million people had used Predictive World to discover what our cyber-system can predict about them. We built the custom data infrastructure that powers the site, as well as gathering research papers that govern the interactions between variables and providing access to Apply Magic Sauce API. Predictive World was built in collaboration with Sid Lee Paris and Stink Digital Paris
Hilton Apps (Holiday Matchmaker, Explorer & Magic Moments)
I co-created personalised digital experiences for Hilton's target customers across several campaigns, with personality predictions coming from our API [Daily Mail] [Travolution][TradeArabia][][BTN][PALife][][HotelierME][GDN][]
Psychology of Entrepreneurship Report (for Barclays)
I led our team of researchers in investigating the psychological constructs underpinning business creation. We designed a multi-dimensional psychometric assessment measuring 13 latent traits and collected data from over 2000 entrepreneurs in the UK, USA, Germany and Singapore. The report was presented by Antony Jenkins, former Group Chief Executive of Barclays, at the Word Economic Forum 2015 and reported in [The Independent] [FinChannel][Elite Business][The Telegraph][Barclays Newsroom][Real Business] [Enterprise Nation][IExpats][Fresh Business Thinking][Working Mums][Small Business][SouthWales Argus]
Automotive Personalisation (with Nissan)
We have an ongoing research stream in automotive personalisation and preference-based personality assessment [Nissan Newsroom][Perrys][NewsWheel][ThisIsMoney][CarScoops]
The Predictive World project was awarded D&AD Graphite Pencil in the Digital Design/Websites category, for 'stand-out work, beautifully executed with an original and inspiring idea at its core'. It also won a Gold Cube for Data Visualisation and a Bronze Cube for Interactive Website at the 96th ADC Award
The SAP Perfect Match App won 35 awards in 2017, in categories including In-House Innovation in Recruitment and Best Candidate Experience (at Recruiter Awards 2017), Best employer brand innovation (GOLD, at Employment Brand Management Awards 2017), and awards for Excellence in HR through Technology and Innovation in Recruitment (Global Best Employer Brand Awards)
The Hilton Holiday Matchmaker App won 3rd place at the Travel Marketing Awards 2016, for 'Most Innovative Marketing Campaign'
In June 2014, I was shortlisted for the DataIQ Talent Awards in the 'Marketing Technologist' category